Southfield Junior School


A warm welcome

Southfield is a junior academy in Highworth, near Swindon.  We are very proud to be part of Grove Learning Trust. 


 It is my pleasure to welcome you to our website. Southfield is a school that champions every child and through our values, we enable children to grow into life-long learners. 

We strongly believe that learning has no limits and do our best to make sure that each day is successful for every child. Alongside our core subjects, the children engage in a broad curriculum and participate in events, theme days and trips to enhance their learning. Take a look at our curriculum pages for further information and snapshots of the children's learning opportunities. 

Our children are 'ready', 'respectful' and 'safe' and as a result we have calm and productive learning environments. We prioritise the use of walking walls to encourage children to be independent learners. Staff ensure children are at the heart of every decision and we are passionate about building positive, trusting relationships. During a safeguarding pupil voice survey in Sept 2024, 100% of pupils said they had a trusted adult in school - we are very proud of this and continue to maintain positive relationships. 

Our dedicated team of staff combine quality teaching with an awareness of children's mental health and well-being. We use the 'zones of regulation' approach to support children to understand and manage their emotions in and out of the classroom. We are proud of our extensive personal development offer and the children speak highly of the support available to them. To enable quality teaching and learning, we champion excellent attendance and we are committed to working with our families to ensure the children are at school daily ready to learn. 

Exploring our website should tell you plenty about Southfield. You'll find our policies, curriculum information, calendar dates, staff lists and more. We also run an up-to-date instagram page which shows snapshots of the school day and the children's work. If there is anything else you'd like to know, please contact the school office and we will be happy to help. 

If you are a prospective family and you’d like to see us in action, please call us to make an appointment as we’d be very pleased to show you around. 

Mrs O'Sullivan

Head of school

Head of School