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Southfield Junior School

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In June 2019, our school was graded good by Ofsted.

Current Ofsted Report

Please click this link to read our current report.

The executive headteacher has built a strong team of skilled leaders. Together, they have provided determined leadership to the school.
Teaching is good and pupils achieve well.


Subject leaders in English and mathematics are highly effective in their roles. They have had a notable impact on the quality of the curriculum
and the consistency of teaching in their subjects.


Teachers have good knowledge of the subjects they teach and explain the learning to pupils clearly. Teachers check frequently to ensure
that pupils have understood the learning.


The teaching of mathematics challenges all pupils, particularly the most able. Pupils have good reasoning and problem-solving skills.


Pupils work hard, enjoy their learning and behave well. They say they feel safe in school and other pupils are friendly.


Governors maintain a close oversight of the work of the school. They have been instrumental in supporting leaders to bring about improvements quickly.

Further Information

School Profile (Get Information About Schools)

Ofsted’s Parent View