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Southfield Junior School

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Please click here to read more about Swindon's attendance strategy

 At Southfield we believe it is our duty to prepare our students for the high level of attendance and punctuality that will be expected throughout secondary school and beyond into the workplace.  Whilst some absence from school is unavoidable it is vital that all students strive to be in school everyday and parental support in achieving this is absolutely key. 

Please ensure your child attends school every day on time and is equipped to learn.

 Please click here to read Southfield's attendance policy


School gates open at 8.30am.

Registration is at 8.40am and all pupils are expected to be in school by this time. 

Any arrival to class after 8.40am will be marked as late.

The school day finishes at 3.10pm.

Reporting an absence

Is your child too ill for school?  Please click here for NHS advice on some common ailments.  

If your child is poorly or is absent from school at short notice please call the school on 01793 762210 and select option 1 to record a child's absence.  If the school has not been notified of a reason for absence we will call you.

 Leave of absence request

You should notify the school of any planned absence during term time.  This should be done by completing an absence request form and returning it to the school office. 

 Please click here for an absence request form

The Head of School will consider if the absence is due to exceptional circumstances, if so it will be authorised.  A reply slip will be returned with the decision made.  Should the absence be unauthorised and you still choose too keep your child from school we may be required to notify Education Welfare and request an absence enquiry.

Please click here for further information on Education Welfare Services and FAQ's relating to irregular attendance and unauthorised absence.

  Please click here   for information from Swindon Borough Council on the national penalty notice changes from September 2024.