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Southfield Junior School

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Year 5/6 Classes

Our three Year 5/6 classes are called Oak, Elm and Rowan. The children are taught by Mrs Spencer, Mrs O'Sullivan, Miss Painter and Miss Alder and supported by Mrs Bushnell, Mrs Sutton and Miss Bradley.

During PPA each week, the children are taught by Mrs. Law for specialist computing lessons in which they learn about, practice and apply different I.T. skills to complement in-class learning. The children also learn about e-safety. During this time, they are also taught R.E. by Mrs Richardson.

PE is on Thursday and Friday afternoons.

Term 1 and 2: The Victorians

Click here to see our knowledge organiser for The Victorians.

Year 5 and 6 have been fully immersed in their fascinating Victorian topic, exploring key figures and events that shaped the era. In design and technology, the children applied their knowledge by designing and sewing waistcoats, bringing history to life through hands-on learning. In history, they compared modern-day schools with those from the Victorian era before taking a step back in time with a trip to Sevington Victorian School. There, they experienced a true day in the life of a Victorian child, with the boys and girls segregated in typical Victorian fashion. The girls crafted lavender bags while the boys made candlesticks. Additionally, their writing this term has been truly exceptional; the children have impressed us by writing persuasive letters as Isambard Kingdom Brunel, convincing local residents that the Great Western Railway was a brilliant idea. It has been a wonderful journey through history and the children’s enthusiasm and creativity have truly shone!

The Victorian Era Timeline

Victorian Children at Work

Victorian Schools Non-Chronological Report

Thomas Barnardo Fact File 

George Muller 

Isambard Kingdom Brunel Letter 

They Made a Difference

This term, the children in Year 5/6 6 have been energetically engaged in their new topic, "They Made a Difference." Our explorations have centred around remarkable figures in history who have significantly altered our world for the better. The children have delved into the lives and legacies of important leaders such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., and Nelson Mandela who each fought valiantly against discrimination and injustice. Throughout the lessons, the children have participated in rich, thought-provoking discussions about key issues related to equality and the importance of standing up for what is right. Their enthusiasm and curiosity have inspired them to create their own "Little People, Big Dreams" books, where they highlight the achievements of figures who have made a profound impact on society.


Currently Reading 

As part of our topic, the classes are currently reading the adventurous story "Race to the Frozen North," by Catherine Johnson which intertwines with the themes we've been learning. This engaging text not only promotes literacy but also encourages students to reflect on the values and struggles portrayed by the characters, echoing the unwavering spirit of those we have studied.

We are incredibly proud of the children’s progress and understanding as they learn about the importance of making a difference in the world, both past and present.