Our Community
We know that one thing that makes Southfield a really special place is the community that surrounds it.
We feel incredibly lucky to be part of a supportive community that wants our school to be the best it can be.
Our Partnership with Eastrop Infant School
Our strongest link is with Eastrop Infant School which is where the vast majority of our children come from when they start Year 3.
We work together as a partnership to make sure that the children’s transition is smooth and they start their time at Southfield feeling confident and eager to learn.
You can visit Eastrop's website by clicking this link.
Highworth Warneford School
The vast majority of our children in Year 6 move onto Highworth Warneford School and Year 7.
During the year, the staff and pupils of Warneford organise events which we join in with:
- PE multi skills days for Years 3 – 5
- A swimming gala
- A science-themed transition morning for Year 5
- Science workshops for Year 4
- Links with Maths and English Leads from both schools
- A transition day for children moving into Year 7
You can visit Warneford's website by clicking this link.
St. Michael’s Church
Southfield is closely linked with St. Michael’s and the children work regularly with Bella and the wider team.
We visit often to learn about key events in the Christian calendar. They work with teachers to support the delivery of our R.E. curriculum in classes. We are also able to attend the Christmas and Easter workshops which the children enjoy.
The children and families of Southfield are keen fundraisers and this year we’ve managed to support:
- Swindon Food Bank (Harvest collection)
- British Legion Poppy Appeal
- BBC Children in Need
- Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day
- Wiltshire Air Ambulance