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Southfield Junior School

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Support we can offer

Who do I ask for help?

As the cost of everything goes up, more people are worried about how to make ends meet.
All staff at Southfield will help you with any worries you or your child have, they may ask you to talk to Mrs White who can give you information about where to find help with your every day needs.  

 HeMrs Whitello. I'm Mrs White, I hope I'm a familiar face to you all, if not please come and say hello. I'm here to help you and your children as best I can. You can talk to me on the playground at the beginning and end of the day, or leave a message for me at reception and I'm happy to give you a ring to chat about what sort of help you'd like. 

To see some of the ways I can help you for FREE. If you need more information please go to our Parent Info / Support We Can Offer page or come and have a chat.